This is the guide or tutorial on how to use this tool. 1: Find the inventory and the spot you want to use. the hoe is center point of where everything renders from. 2: Screenshot inventorty with gui scale = 1, the option is found in video settings. its in video settings. 3: Select 256 by 256 area. Do note that you can use other areas, just make sure its 256 * gui scale square to use this trick. you cant tell, but it is actually 256 by 256 in this gimp screenshot. 4: Take measurments of the top right of where you will be putting the item that is rendering the inventory. you also cant see my mouse in these screenshots. 5: Edit the texture as you wish and save it in a resource pack. wow, very creative. I like trees I guess. 6: Input size, measurements, and image name and save the generated file. you didnt see me putting the numbers in, so i might lose you here. When following these steps, I got this for my result. final output for the item inventory. Bugs, issues, etc: Please note, that for the bottom fifth, or anywhere that gives a final result with over 70 for the translation may appear cut off on the top. everything in red here is problem areas dont put the diamond hoe down there you goof. Also, text can look weird if rendering over inventories above the item. this is the reason why i left a bunch of transparency in the example inventory above. Image sizes that are different from a 256 square are untested.